Why Managers Need to Embrace Hiring
Sometimes hiring managers distance themselves from hiring new people for their teams. Indeed, hiring can be a lengthy process. It takes up the hiring manager’s time and effort, which means the company’s money — no wonder the manager wants to share the workload with others.
Sometimes the hiring manager is overloaded and not ready to formulate requirements, delve into the details of candidate evaluation, and spend time on screening interviews.
Such “saving time” can turn into expenses! Here’s why.
📌 Formulating vacancy requirements (briefing) is a crucial stage of hiring. By removing themselves from this process, the hiring manager may end up with someone completely different from the team’s needs.
For example, a recruiter may use a brief from a previous search for a similar employee as a basis. But when this brief was created and used the previous time, the team and the company were working differently.
😬 Some candidates may drop out on their own because they won’t have enough information about the company’s plans, strategies, and specific tasks of the role. All these details are usually clarified at the briefing to “sell” the vacancy to targeted candidates.
😬 The hiring manager who didn’t participate in the hiring process up to this point risks getting completely different candidates from what they expected. Since the candidate evaluation criteria were not agreed upon and verified, the right candidates may be eliminated at previous stages.
😬 There is a risk that the final candidate may not match the soft skills and “chemistry” with the hiring manager who did not participate in the previous stages of selection.
📌 Result: wasted team time, the right candidate is not found, and the business task for which the hiring was started is not solved.
If the hiring manager is not involved in the hiring process, it increases the search time. After all, the task for which the vacancy is open must be solved. If there’s no one to solve it, the task lands on the plate of the manager. And so they end up overloaded. It’s a vicious cycle.
— IT recruitment lead at NEWHR Ekaterina Veselkina.
📌 Effective hiring is one of the key skills of a leader, which is necessary for career development.
📌 Remember the interests of job seekers. A boss who only appears at the end of the hiring process can demotivate a candidate.
📌 All of the above is especially important if it is a vacancy for a top manager — someone who will work in the team of the company’s CEO.
And here are the benefits if the hiring manager participates in the hiring.
😎 Realistic expectations. Participation in the process will allow the manager to assess the market of candidates, compare it with their expectations, and adjust the brief if necessary.
😎 Effective “selling” of the vacancy. The hiring manager knows the company’s insides perfectly well and can answer candidates’ questions better than anyone else.
😎 Targeted hiring for the right tasks. In mass hiring (for example, “we need five PHP developers”), it seems that you can look for typical specialists according to a template brief. In reality, it is the hiring manager who will be able to correctly assess this (“We will take a senior for R&D tasks, and a junior for routine”).
😎 Choosing an offer in your favour. Candidates go not only for salary and tasks, they can be motivated by the opportunity to work with a specific person.
💙 NEWHR Recruiting can help you to hire the best talent in tech. Just leave a request on our website or email us at contact@new.hr